Saturday, June 30, 2012

Differences and Similarites

Even though I think mental institutions have a lot of similarities, the differences should also be taken into consideration. For example, all doors at VIMHANS are virtually unlocked and when I spoke to this doctor who told me that doors are not always unlocked in other countries made realize that this is a special attribute of this hospital. Locked doors are usually associated with mental institutions and a lot of times that holds truth but not at VIMHANS. All in-patients have attendants who have to be with them at all times while the patient has the freedom to go wherever they want whenever they want.

Another difference between hospitals in India and hospitals in other countries is the emphasis and focus on family. A lot of times a family member stays with the patient at the hospital. When walking through the wards, I often see a lot of family members. Every time we speak to patients, we also interview a family member and there is always one around. I am not sure how it is handled in other countries, but I doubt that family members are always allowed to stay with the patient 24/7. However, as I mentioned before I have never completed an internship at a hospital at any other country so I really shouldn't be the one making conclusions.  

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