Saturday, June 9, 2012

Not what I expected

People here are much more skeptical of spiritual healing, meditation therapy and yoga therapy. We are in a psychiatric hospital and psychiatrists are usually not thrilled about those things as far as I have seen. And then the psychologists are busy defending psychotherapy to even start thinking of anything that goes further. There was this girl I met in the hospital who wants to go to a western country to be trained in spiritual healing such as angel therapy where you use gods to which patients speaks to.

I constantly hear that India is a developing country that goes through a lot of change right now. They are trying to catch up with developed countries and in order to do so they have to do everything exactly like they did. And there is no space for any spirituality. There was my other friend who told me at the beginning of my stay that India is losing its values and western countries are picking up on those. She said that at this point, people in western countries know more about yoga and meditation and how it can be used for therapy. There are a bunch of places in which you can get trained in yoga therapy or mediation therapy in the UK but there is not too many places that offer those training programs here in Delhi.

I am also wondering if all this has something to do with the fact that I am in New Delhi. It might be that if I go away from the capital, things might have not changed as much. Delhi makes it also hard to include the environment as an important part of the healing process for mentally ill people because it is so polluted and it is hard to find enjoyable places where you can relax in the environment. I have not traveled as much in Delhi yet so I am not able to pinpoint places that could be used for meditation and where people can have a break from every day life and heal. There are a lot of parks but they are usually surrounded by cars and tons of people. There are also a lot of beautiful temples to which I haven't been yet. And in particular those are used by people to get a break and get spiritually energized. They are often surrounded by beautiful gardens but at the same time you can still hear the honking of the cars and the busy life that is going on right outside the door.   

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