Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Today I enjoyed Hauz Kaas village again. First, I met three wonderful alumnae for some delicious lunch. The restaurant we met at was very good but pretty expensive for my taste. We talked about MoHo, our experiences, how much they miss it and how jealous they are that I will still be going back there. They were alumnae from 2006-2008-2010 and I am 2013. It was so interesting to share experiences and to listen to people from different class years. After lunch, we promised each other to stay in touch and they offered help to me whenever I would need it. We also said we would meet up one more time before I leave. It was amazing to see the different routes that the alumnae decided to take. Their stories made me wonder where life will take me... What will I do? Where will I end up?

When they had to rush back to their lives after lunch, I was left behind by myself at Hauz Kaas. I will be staying at a friend's house tonight but I am not supposed to get there until around six or so. So what will I do by myself at Hauz Kaas? Most of the galleries and shops are closed and it's ridiculously hot outside, nowhere to go, nothing to do... But then I found this amazing cafe---the Traveler's Cafe. It's for people to hang out, sit and share stories. Sounds exactly like something that I would like. Therefore I went in and spend my entire day there. What else do I want; I have time, coffee, a fan and some nice company of people. That has been the best discovery thus far.  

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