Monday, June 18, 2012

I knew it...

Today I was on rounds with one doctor as I have for the last couple of days. As I have mentioned before, I don't always feel very comfortable being on those rounds. I think the patients feel as if I invade their personal space. Often they also appear to be put on display for us. Some doctors even refer to the patient's symptoms and behavior while the patient is still in the room. They talk about the patient as if the patient doesn't exist. I honestly doubt that having six or so interns on rounds makes the patients feel comfortable. If I would be a patient I and would have to speak about my fears, concerns and abnormal behavior, I could be ashamed, uncomfortable and angry about the fact that so many people are staring at me. On the rounds today, one patient pointed that out and I felt terrible about it because it is true and I am part of the people that are doing this. I feel like I am causing more harm then I can help or learn from those experiences. Most patients converse in Hindi so I don't really learn a lot anyway so why making it more uncomfortable for something that is not worth it, there is no benefit but mostly harm.  

I know I am too negative right now. I just need some time to cool off and then I will be able to see all this in a better light. To cool off we went for some coffee and on our way there we found some kids who loved to be photographed.

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