Friday, June 8, 2012

Admitting: I am a little Exhausted

I wish I could say more but I am a little exhausted. I have a Monday through Friday week, from early morning until 4.30pm. At the same time I am trying to explore Delhi as much as I can. On top of all that, we also have assignments that we have to submit. Not a big deal, but still some work. I feel a little low on energy right now.

Another reason for my exhaustion is a new patient. I have shifted to the IPD (Inpatient Department) a few days ago and we are assigned a bipolar patient and she is in a manic stage right now. Trust me, this is hard for us and really exhausting; we are not sure how to deal with it.

Anyway, today we had a little break because we went for our supervisory session to the University. Since I have become an honorary member of that school, I obviously can't miss those sessions. And from there we went out to explore Connaught Place. To get there, we took a ricksha, which is where the picture was taken. 

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