Sunday, June 3, 2012

First Sleep Over

I haven’t left my house yet so there is not much to report on. I am excited for my first sleep over of my temporary home, New Delhi. I will be going to the Saket Market first with Mukta and then we will go over to her house. At night she said she would like to go swimming. I love swimming so I am happy. I think it’s nice because we can discuss together things about Samuel (the French patient) and about our conversation we had with him. This is what the doctor asked us to do; reflect on what we have talked about.
I also realized that my throat hurts really bad and I think this is because of the horrible air here in Delhi. I am totally sick of breathing in all that dust. It’s amazingly dusty here. Since I am walking to my internship every morning for like 45 minutes I am extremely exposed to the cars, their emissions and the dust. I hate it and my throat doesn't like it either. 

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