Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Nature and Religious Values, Part of the Past

I came to the conclusion that the environment will not be of any help for patients suffering from an mental illness in Delhi, in particular not in the summer. The only people who do spend a lot of time outside  in the environment are people who don't have a choice. Other people who have a choice consider being inside in an air-conditioned room as a necessity. Priority becomes to be more and more similar to the western world rather than spending time in temples, meditating or doing yoga. Maybe a few years ago or in smaller cities, towns or villages people still acknowledge nature, spiritual healing, meditation and a healthy environment as important aspects of life. But in Delhi, those values seem to be lost. People want to move forward and not backward and those values are understood as past/old fashion. This claim is not based on research and also should not be given any validity. I have only come to this thinking by observing and listening to conversations that people have amongst each other at the hospital so what do I know...?  

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