Sunday, June 17, 2012

Why people want to fit in?

Every time I see tourists here in Delhi I notice that many of the female ones wear traditional Indian clothes. And since it is a big majority of them who wear those clothes I started to wonder why... One of the first explanations that popped up my mind was that they are being incredibly stared at. They are being stared at because they are different, they stand out. In order not to stand out, women start wearing traditional clothes so they can blend in better and the stares will hopefully decrease a little. But in fact there are many many many young Indian women who wear mostly western clothes. Anyway, there might obviously be many more reasons why tourists wear traditional clothing but that's one reason that I came up with. I have bought some Kurtas but not really many at all so I barely wear traditional clothes. Firstly, because I believe I can fit in in other ways and the other reason is because I don't really have a big budget. I prefer going out for food and sightseeing than buying clothes and my mother always says, "you can't have everything you have to choose" so I chose. However, I caught myself trying to look more like Indian women in different ways than buying Kurtas. I am not sure that this is in general a style that I like or is it really because I want to blend in better. I don't know but I will explore my psyche more and let you know what I found out.

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