Monday, June 4, 2012

Back to the Internship after only one Day off

I am sick so I felt awful today. My nose kept running the whole day, my head was about to explode and my ears were plugged. However, I was brave and stuck at the hospital until the end and beyond. We really wanted to speak again to the French guy so we waited until he woke up from his nap, which was after 4.30pm (which is when we usually get off). While waiting for the French guy, we made some goodbye cards for the previous interns. You can see us doing that in the picture. The patients will sign those cards and sing a song for the interns when they will give her the card. So the other interns were practicing the songs with the patients and we made the cards.

Then, I finally went to see the French guy. He was awaiting us. We promised him to bring him some paper, brushes and paint so he could start painting again. I also brought him a German magazine. He says that he has trouble reading English but German is fine. We got to his room we talked a little about his paintings. He also painted a picture for one of the interns and it was awesome. We obviously tried to find out what all the things meant that he painted but it sounds easier than it was. Because he says that he paints intuitively, he doesn't think about what he paints.

There were a couple of things that I found out about the paintings of patients suffering from schizophrenia. Those paintings can help patients to express things that have otherwise no words. Patients can communicate their experiences. Painting can also help patients to merge the things that are happening inside of them with the outside reality and by that coming closer to reality. Schizophrenic patients' experiences, thoughts and emotions can be taking out of their surreal world that exist inside of them and make them part of reality by making it a painting.           

There were a lot of mentally ill artists who became very famous for their work. A few of the most famous are Vincent Van Gogh, Eduard Munch and Gustav Klimt so why not this French Guy.

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