Tuesday, June 5, 2012

I got too Attached!

The French guy is gone. He was discharged at noon and I did not get to say goodbye. I really liked him. I really liked talking to him. I felt like we were having a good conversation and I could reach him somehow but all of this is over. I probably should distance myself more from instances like this because if this is how it feels every time after a patient is gone then I will have a hard time. I think because I feel so out of place with the other patients, the French guy gave me hope again. I connected with him, he talked and I listened. With the other patients it is much more difficult. Either the language barrier is in the way or other cultural factors; with the French guy I didn't have that. Maybe, I have to get more open with the situation that I am in. I have to learn to become comfortable talking to the other patients as well and just make the best out of it. Use the disadvantage to your advantage.

After the internship I went to the Humayun's Tomb, one of Delhi's most famous monuments. Even there, there are tons of dogs roaming around but some people are not as scared of those dogs as you can see on the picture. 

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