Sunday, June 17, 2012

Building a Routine

I finally have managed to learn the names of most doctors and other interns. I know what time to come, where to go and who to approach for help, concerns and questions. This knowledge and solidifying routine helped me to build confidence. By having more confidence, I also can shift now from being an observer to being an active participant in all the activities going on around the hospital. For example, the doctors are on rounds every morning and the interns join them on them on those every day. Even though I don't understand most of it, it is nice to trot along with the doctors and see all the patients and observe them. After we have seen one patient the doctor discusses the patient's case with us. Before that, I did not really feel comfortable because I felt I am being to invasive of the personal space of the patients by coming into the room and evaluating their suffering. I am not able to help them anyway, why bother them then? But now, I think I learn and at some point I will be able to help. The doctors also actually encourage me to go with them.

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