Saturday, June 9, 2012

The Benefits of Day Care

I had to write a reflection about one thing I have learned at Day Care. I have learned the benefits of Day Care. Even though Day Care doesn't provide an environmental comfortable atmosphere, there is a lot that the patients can benefit from.

In day care, every day is organized different but very structured. There is a schedule of all activities hanging in the hall so the day care members know exactly what to expect. I have realized how important it is to offer the day care members a well-organized schedule that they have to follow. Some not all of the patients might want to return back to work and they should know and be taught what it means to follow a routine. They learn what it means to be at a place on time, they learn to start and complete tasks and they learn how to socially interact with other people. Some patients might use those new acquired skills to prepare for a job and others might simply use those skills to prepare for a life outside of day care in the real world.
Besides teaching patients new skills, the day care also allows the patients to engage in meaningful tasks. After the day is over, patients can reflect back on it and can feel good about what they have accomplished. For example, people who are diagnosed with a mental illness might not find anything to do at home. At the end of the day, they might feel sad because they don’t have done anything for the entire day and there is nothing to reflect on. But through day care and their activities their day is given meaning. In addition, day care’ activities might give the patients a break from their illness. If they don’t do anything, they might be too preoccupied with their symptoms and so they might experience them as even worse. Day care activities pull patients away from their symptoms and give them an alternative to focus on. Another benefit of day care is the fact that it builds confidents in a lot of patients. They are given a task, they complete it, then it is checked and they are being praised for their good work. Given the patients a reason to be complimented on helps them to be proud of themselves which subsequently increases their self-confidence.

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