Wednesday, July 11, 2012

"Only Americans and Schizophrenics talk about Sex"

"Only Americans and Schizophrenics talk about Sex," this statement was made by one of our Senior doctors today at our case presentation. She is the oldest among the doctors and she makes the case presentations interesting for me because she tends to make statements like the one above all the time. The case presentations happen early in the morning, presented by one of the resident doctors who usually are pretty hard to understand when they speak English and not to understand for me at all when they speak Hindi. As everybody can imagine, those presentations are not the most exciting thing I have ever experienced but mandatory to attend. So I always get hyped up when the Senior doctor contributes her thoughts to the discussion.

Today, the case presentation was on a dementia patient who has been a widow for the past five years. One of the doctors asked the presenter if he had inquired the sexual history of the patient and the presenter said that he hadn't since the woman has been a widow for the past five years... And then the whole scene started again. Even in this hospital we were taught that sexual history is part of history taking and should be inquired from the patient but the Senior doctor strongly opposed that need. According to her, we don't ask about sex, "only Americans and Schizophrenics talk about Sex."

Too funny... does she truly believe that?

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