Friday, July 13, 2012

Battle Field, "Take two"

Today once more I was able to experience a psychologists verses psychiatrists battle. I talk a lot about the case presentations here so I want to explain them a bit more. We have presentations every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Presentations on Wednesdays and Fridays are usually conducted by Resident doctors while Thursdays the psychology interns take their shot. Most of the people sitting in the conference room are psychiatrists and only a few psychologists of which barely any speak up. And a lot of times when the psychology interns present they are criticized and questioned extensively on psychological theories, concepts and therapy approaches.

In particular, one of the doctors has a very strong belief against a lot of the psychology doctrines. But because she is the eldest among all, everybody has to respect her and her a lot of times strong articulated opinions. But today people have not been as patient with her as they usually are. Firstly because the intern who has presenting was pushed into tears by the comments of the doctors, specifically by the one just mentioned. The second reason why people have not been as patient with her today is becuase the presentation was overseen by a psychologist who took the comments pretty offensive as well. This scenario ended up in a battle field and left me wondering if this is how it is everywhere.

I am really surprised about this constant fight of psychologists against psychiatrists but I assume this is going to be the same everywhere you go. It might not be as openly presented as it is in this situation but I am sure that this clash between beliefs will be present in the US as well as in Germany or even all over the world. What do you think?

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