Tuesday, July 3, 2012


As I loved the Art Therapy Workshop, I also loved the Hypnotherapy Workshop. Even though both were very much focused on the more practical part, I still have the impression I have learned a lot.

It's really hard for me to believe in hypnosis when I have never undergone hypnosis. The most part of the workshop was based on putting all of the attendees in a state of hypnosis. As probably everybody can imagine it is really hard to put a whole room under hypnosis because the approach used is not very individualized but rather a one-size- fits-all schema. Obviously, having a one on one session might have been a little more helpful but I have tried my beset to follow the therapist's instructions. I think I even tried a little too much. I felt as if my body was getting more tense than relaxed but I kept trying anyway. After the session, however, I simply believe that I had fallen asleep. I thought I was able to relax to an extent that I slept. So when we started talking about our experiences and how we felt under hypnoses, I kept quiet because I thought that it did not work on me. But when the therapist said that when we think we have fallen asleep but have woken up on her counts then we have in fact not slept. Instead, we have probably been under hypnosis but don't remember it. This is exactly what happened to me, I thought I had fallen asleep but surprisingly I woke up exactly one the counting of the therapist. 

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