Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Gnostic Center

Finally, I was able to go to the Gnostic Center. Initially I was supposed to go last month already but the trip had been cancelled. So this time I was really looking forward to it. It took us about two hours in the morning to get to Gurgaon which is were the center is located. We were driving to the center during rush hour in the morning so there were a gazillion cars, bicycles and pedestrians on the streets. Everybody in the car was singing, talking and the cars were honking like crazy outside. The closer we got, the quieter it became; not only outside but inside the car as well. If nothing else, the peacefulness and quietness of the center was worth experiencing. The Gnostic center is surrounded by fields, grass and trees. I think, especially people who have mental problems would benefit from this atmosphere because by having an calm environment might help them to become calm as well. Beyond the peaceful atmosphere, the center had so much more to offer... In short, it is a place where people are helped to find themselves. I know this sounds very philosophical but if you are a person who has ever asked, who am I, why am I in this world or what is my role in this world, then this place helps people find ways to answer those questions. What does this have to do with psychology? The connection I have made is that unless I know who I am, I will not be able to help patients to find the answer to their problems. A person is composed of a million different things and if we, as psychologists, don't know what those are for us individually then how would we know in what ways those components influence the therapy we conduct with our patients...?    

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