Friday, July 6, 2012

Homa Therapy

"You heal the atmosphere and the healed atmosphere heals you." In Homa Therapy the environment plays a pretty big role in healing a person. The basic principle is that fire is used to purify the atmosphere and the purified atmosphere will in return heal the person. There was this article the other day in the newspaper about Homa Therapy and I thought to myself that this is exactly what I am trying to find; a therapeutic way to heal a person by connecting that person to the environment.

Homa is a Sanskrit word for the Vedic science of bioenergy. It removes toxic conditions from the atmosphere with the help of fire. It replenishes the nutrients  that pollution robs from our environment. People practicing it claim that they have seen people with AIDS, heart diseases, cancer and diabetes getting cured by Homa Therapy. 

I don't know much about this form of therapy but I think it's worth exploring.

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