Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Couples Therapy Workshop

Attending the first day of the Couple's Therapy Workshop, I have realized how important it is to have a decent understanding of Indian culture in order to council couples in India. For example, knowing that Indian families often stay in extended families is crucial. After marriage, the woman is expected to move  in with the husband and his family, which in itself can create problems. The woman has to totally adjust to a new husband she has never met before and to a new family as a whole. Knowledge of those factors definitely plays a big role in order to provide good counseling. Another attribute that is important to consider is the fact that arranged marriage is still very prevalent in India. Couples coming for therapy often feel like they simply don't match; they are too different to make their marriage work. They also have to learn how to be intimate with each other. And sometimes they simply can't because they have been chosen for each other without taken their wants and needs into consideration.

At the very beginning of this internship, my lack of knowledge of Indian culture was troubling me a lot until one of the doctors explained to me that these cultural aspects can be learned. Patients can teach me if they chose to be patient. I think he is right but how much do I have to know in order not to overwhelm the patient with my lack of knowledge.

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