Friday, July 13, 2012

How much will medication really help if they have gone through so much Trauma?

Today I went to this organization called Don Bosco who is sponsored by the UNHCR (United Nations High Commission for Refugees). The organization has many centers throughout New Delhi. The center that we went to, Don Bosco provides help for refugees with social, psychological and physical related issues. But their are also other centers of Don Bosco who do a whole lot more for them. For example, they teach them computer skills, how to sew and how to speak English and/or Hindi. They help refugees find jobs, places to stay and advice them in legal matters.

VIMHANS provides Don Bosco with a psychiatrist once per week to take care of refugees with psychological problems. All patients I have seen with the doctor today have undergone a lot of trauma and I was wondering the whole entire time who wouldn't come out of what they have experienced with psychological disturbances. A lot of them where depressed and/or had anxieties. The doctor herself questioned how much medication will really help if they have gone through so much. It takes so much more to heal wounds like that than just drugs. In particular, if a lot of the causes which have brought along those symptoms are still present. Just because refuguees escape from the countries, they a lot of times can't escape their problems. If a woman is being abused and falls sick because of it, how can medication help if she is still victim to that abuse.

In those cases there is so much more than a biological bases to the illness. People are suffering from depression etc. because of much more than simply a chemical imbalance in the brain. But having said that, who is going to provide them with the additional therapy, who is going to help them get out of their problems, who is going to help them improve their living situation and who is going to pay for all of this? Feeling of helplessness...

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