Saturday, May 19, 2012

Air India, Please Stop the Strikes so I Can Get to India

Now, I am getting a little annoyed. My flight got cancelled twice. There is nobody to talk to, ask questions to or help. I am totally on my own. The only thing I can do is to go with it. Initially, I was supposed to fly out the 20th at 21.50, then it got changed to the 21st at 7.45 am then I changed it to May 21st at 21.50 because I didn't want to arrive at night. THEN they cancelled that flight too and rescheduled me for May 22nd at 7.45 am. No explanations, no apologies just a notification "your flight got changed, please check on the website what changes have occurred." After a million phone calls and a lot of frustration, I finally found out online that the pilots of Air India are striking and that we should expect delays and cancellations... Great, I hope that's a good omen!

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