Thursday, May 24, 2012

Good Advise

I have been given a lot of good advice from a lot of very smart people and one of those is very helpful right now. I have to make the best out of it even though it is not according to the plan I had before I got here. You always have to have a backup plan because most times it will not go the way you want. This is how life goes.

I might be a little bit too dramatic but I have to admit that I was not very happy with my first view days here. Things haven't gone the way I wanted and expected them to go. I was supposed to start my internship the 23rd of May and now I am not starting until May 28th. This would not be bad because theoretically I could go around and do some sightseeing but I have to admit that I am scared. It's extremely hot and I have a hard time getting people to understand me. Supposedly everybody speaks English but in practice not too many people do. And everybody is constantly scaring me. They say that I shouldn't be going out by myself. But that's hard not to do if I don't know anybody yet.

Anyway my new plan is to make the best out of this situation. I have a lot of time to do some research about Yoga and meditation therapy. I can go out in the neighborhood and explore the environment here. And the woman I am staying with goes to a temple every early morning and then to the park to do some yoga. My plan is to get her to take me with her so I can see the world through her eyes.

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