Friday, May 18, 2012

Getting Ready for Departure

I have to admit that the preparation for this trip is much more work and money than I thought it would be. Multiple vaccinations that are not covered by my insurance but are all totally necessary,which I had to pay for 160 Euro. I also had to buy a mosquito net and insect repellent, which I spend 50 Euro on. In addition, I had to pay for an advisory session with my doctor who had to tell me what vaccinations and medication I need.

But the most important vaccination I didn’t get, which is against rabies. My doctor scared me. He said that the probability to get bit is pretty possible and if I do get bit then I will have to go back as soon as possible if I don’t I will die. So I thought that’s pretty scary. In order to get this vaccination I would have needed the first injection three weeks ago but I didn’t think about this stuff back then so now I am screwed. Then, the doctor advised me to get insurance in case something happens and I have to fly back immediately or for my possible hospitalization that will then be covered. This was another 140 Euro.
Without all that stuff would I survive in India…? Probably yes but it makes my parents feel better so why not.
Whoever says India is pretty cheap only the flight is expensive should think again!

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