Monday, August 20, 2012

Tushita is over

The ten days are over. Tushita is over for me. At Tushita, besides working on my curiosity for meditation and whether or not it can be used as a way of treatment, I also wanted to find myself. Where else do you have so much time to reflect on your thought without any disturbances? Where else do you have everything else taking care of and your only task is to be occupied with yourself. I had no questions or expectations when I arrived at Tushita but while being at Tushita, a lot of questions came up which I was hoping to get answers for but I didn’t. I feel more confused coming out then when going in. I think I feel more disconnected with myself than ever before. However, I feel like being left with no answers at all, I still feel in a way more completed mentally because I was able to refine my thoughts into more meaningful questions. I know this probably doesn’t make any sense. I wish I could explain it better but I don’t think I know it any better. 

Enough of me, let’s talk about my plans for the last 2 weeks of my stay in India. I want to stay in Dharamshala because I feel comfortable here and because I can relax before I have to return to reality. Being at Dharamshala, I will continue attending the meditation courses at Tushita. In addition, I will also continue doing yoga. The last yoga course that I did was an Iyengar course which is a very particular form of yoga. This time, I will try Hatha yoga. Last but not least I will do a Tibetan massage course, which is a mixture of acupuncture and reike. Tibetan message is often used to cure all kinds of different illnesses as well as mental disorders such as depression. 

As a whole, I think the Tibetan course will be the most relevant for now. My new question is: “Is Tibetan massage capable of curing mental illness? I don’t think I will be able to answer this question but I will try to investigate.   

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