Monday, August 20, 2012

Tibetan Massage

I started the Tibetan Massage course two days ago and I am really glad/satisfied with the place that I chose to do the course at. I was looking at so many places but none of them was really appealing to me. The places didn’t feel right but at the end of my unsuccessful search I finally found exactly what I wanted. The people at the massage place are so warm and the teacher explains everything with so much detail and patients. I have no experience with massage or with acupressure so at the beginning I felt very lost. Most of the people who do those courses are massage therapists. They only take those courses to improve their own practice. They have a basis which I didn’t have. Having all of a sudden a naked Tibetan guy in front of me who I am supposed to massage was a little unexpected but after all this is what I signed up for. My train of thought when deciding to do this course was: “Oh, that’s cool. A massage technique influenced by reike and acupressure that can potentially heal depression and anxiety. Let’s look into this. But instead of doing more research, I thought learning by doing is more fun so here I am. 

Yesterday, we covered the back and today we covered the feet and the legs. So far, we have not talked about what massage can cure what disease, we are only massaging for now. I don’t want to be rude so I decided just to wait patiently until we get to the point where we will talk about the specific diseases. I am really not sure where this course will take me but I like it.

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